Saturday, May 9, 2009

I'm going to need 781 boxes of denture cleaner.

Two of my closest friends, Shelby and Morgan, each have apartments by themselves in my apartment complex. I seriously don't understand how they do it. Maybe it is because I have a very large, very loud family and have grown accustomed to constant people and noise. Maybe it is because I have never actually lived alone. Whatever the reason, I am HATING having the apartment to myself. I am so beyond lonely. Even if I stay busy all day and go out at night, I still have to come home at some point to an empty apartment. The animals help... there are even some days when I prefer their company to that of the human variety. And though I am a total introvert and NEED alone time, I never expected to not have a choice. I hole up in my room when I am home because it is the only part of the apartment that I feel has always been JUST mine. The rest of the house depresses me. It is not that I CAN'T live alone.. like I'm some child that needs to be taken care of.. I just prefer knowing that there is someone else in the house, even if I'm not in the same room as they are. I AM SO FREAKING LONELY.

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